The Percy Jackson series is about a boy named Percy who figures out something super crazy & awesome about himself and his dad.
That leads him to go to a place called Camp Half-Blood where he meets three friends (Annabeth, Grover and Tyson) who together go on AWESOME quests to save the world!!
( BTW there are five books in this series) I love these books a lot, so much I will probably read them again!
The Harry Potter series is a seven-booked series (it has 8 movies though) about a boy who figures out he is a famous wizard. He then goes to a special school called Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry and makes two friends (Ron and Hermoine). Together they go on AWESOME adventures to save the muggle (just us regulars)and the magical world from a evil wizard named Vold... oops! I forget I can't say his name!!!
It took me two months to read all of the books but they are so good I go back and reread them!
If I had to rate it 1-100 it would rate it 110!!!!
I love it so much I'm having a Harry Potter b-day party (I sent the invites by owl!!!)